Adie DisuWas a wonderful man who lived life to the full, against tremendous odds. He was couragous and brave, full of life and love for his family, his friends and everything else life had to offer. He will be much missed by Imogen, his wife; Cashino, his brother; his Mother and all his extended family and friends.Adie was passionate about his work in setting up this job board:parttimeJob4u.comIf you’re looking to recruit skilled and skilled committed staff, www.partimmejobs4ucom is the new cost effective
Site to meet your recruitment needs.
A job board with different, a view on work life balance. Typical sector Managers, Sales, Teaching , Cleaner Financial, Office/Clerical – We truly care that’s why we offer employers the a option a part-time, temp, contract and flexible option. Just remember there are over 7 million male / female looking for Part-time working. . is a jobs website with a difference. It is designed for employers with flexible vacancies to fill, from part-time jobs to flexible, temp and contract work.
This company has a reach across London, listing jobs from SMEs to national companies. Candidates can sift jobs from a variety of specialisms and localities.
Job hunters are increasingly turning to the web to find job opportunities. Part-timejobs4u brings web-recruitment to Bromley and South-East London, with a competitive fee structure that rivals old-fashioned newspaper advertising.One in three people looking for a job are seeking work/life balance. This site specialises in these jobs and other opportunities such as training and courses. It combines all of this with practical information for candidates to make it a reliable resource. The site is promoted locally and nationally, and with over 6,000 vacancies listed, is climbing rapidly through the rankings.
Our highly competitive fee structure means advertising a job or branding your company on the web can be cheaper than newspaper adverts, more flexible and much faster to reach job-hunters. Posting a job advert is simple and can be done yourself in seconds.If you run a business, call us now for more details
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