* Africa, Los Angels
* read books or some magazines
* listen to music
* play tennis and basketball
* watching TV,
* working on computer and surfing on internet
* rideing on bike
* go to concerts, dancing, singing
* chatting with my friends
* hanging out with friends and with my doggie called Dusty
* foreign language (English, German, Italy and sign language)
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I would like to meet with Pink, DeeDee, Cindy, Brandon, Pretty boys, Anastacia....etc!!! This list would be soo long when I would write here all peeps I wanna meet, lol!
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* P!nk * DeeDee Foster * Pretty boys * Cindy Mizelle * Anastacia * Black eyed peas * Red hot chilly peppers * Brandon Rogers etc. I fell in love with Gospel and reggee, my the most favourite song is "African Queen" .. width="425" height="350" ..
* White Massai * Green mile * Pretty woman * Diary of Bridget Jones 1,2 * Moderdn Cindrela * Titanic * Notting Hill * Saw 2 etc. I love almost every kinds of movies thriller, horror, romatic comedy...! Exactly, I hate sci-fi and something like this!!! *grrr*
* F*R*I*E*N*D*S specially Phoebe with "Smelly cat" and Joey with "How is it going?" and with turkey on head:D * Ally McBeal * Gilmor's girls * Simpsons * Berlin, Berlin * CSI Miami, Housewifes...:-) And also musician programm! I love viva especially when they give Karaoke show:-))).. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
* book for teen-girls, hehe... these books are about girls and love * life storiers, for example from Mende Nazer or White Massai
* my parents, sis * P!nk * everybody who can help other people!