www.myspace.com/mizabsoluteA Lil About Me.. [x]I have a total of ten piercings: 4 per ear, my belly button, and my newest my TONGUE! [x] I have a rep for being a BITCH! [X]I fight my battles and hold my ground [x]I love Nsync and Justin Timberlake [x]I will tell you that your small [x]I am known to have things go over my head [x]I love techno music [x]I am a MAJOR alcholic [x]My best friend is Marlon [x]Yes I do late night shout outs on the radio [x]I am a make-out slut [x]I will diss your ass and put u on blast [x]Best things ever: ALPHA DOG, MARLON, J.T., {I.M.P}, PRETTY RICKY'S BLUESTARS, AND LIL WAYNE IS THE SHIT [x]I have one tattoo and it's a black and pink star that is gonna be reshaded soon [x]I love KMK! [x]Ain't no fun if the homies can't have none! [x]I HATE BITCHES! [x]Remember my name I'll be famous someday! [x]"I fuck bitches your a homo!"-Justin Timberlake [x]I can keep up wit you but can you HANDLE me? [x]I will more then likely fuck your best friend :)
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The One Guy Who Has Never Broken My Heart..Justin Timberlake!
Reo= Boy orange
Jessica= Girl Orange
Funny Shit Huh???
Kristi!!!!!! I love this girl to fucking death! Best Friends for fucking life. From working to getting wasted at parties to car raving to making out there is nothing that i wouldn't want to do wit this girl! Besties for life!
My LITTLE sister! My Rana! From taking to her to her first party to getting her high for the first time I show her the time of her life I love u Andrea no matter how much trouble I get into.
Best Friends for life! Marlon is my blessing in this world, the brother that I never had. He picks me up when i am soooo drunk I can't walk and is just the joy of my life. God blessed me wit the Best Best Friend I could ever have.
Reo! Oh God where to start.... WAS the one person who WAS always here...WAS my heart...WAS my soul...WAS my other half...WAS my best friend..WAS my love...WAS my everything..WAS my life..enough said...he fucked it up but in time when he misses me he'll remember he is the one who messsed up and Reo I forgive you for everything you have done I am over it and I am over you. You couldn't make me want you if you tried you disgust me.
Desie! One of the best friends i have, i am blessed to have her in my life. This girl has been there for me in soooo many ways.
My Hero is my Bestie Marlon. God blessed me with the brother i never had. Honestly he is the one who saved my life and the reason why I am still here. If he wasn't in my life I would have been a murder and killed a couple people (who can they be...) or I would have driven my self to insanity. :) I love you Marlon!