isn't this the same thing as about me
classic rock and classic country a few of my personal faves would be: zeppelin, the who, the allman brothers, floyd, the beatles, dylan, the grateful dead, rush, tom waits, nick drake, the doors, willie nelson, johnny cash and waylon jennings as far as newer music most of it blows but i do enjoy radiohead, sigur ros, tool, clutch, mars volta, coheed & cambria, beck and iron & wine
i love movies. i recently upgraded to blu ray. if you are a movie fan and dont have some form of hd dvd's, get off your ass. as far as movies i enjoy i will list a few here for you. american psycho, night of the living dead, dawn of the dead (the original or the remake), 28 days later, 28 weeks later, shaun of the dead, the devils rejects, halloween (the original), the texas chainsaw massacre (the original or the remake), all 4 saw movies, fear and loathing in las vegas, the big lebowski, superbad,anchorman, old school, the royal tenenbaums, rushmore, the life aquatic, ed wood, memento, reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, batman begins, kill bill vol. 1 and 2, clerks, chasing amy, the lord of the rings trilogy, the original star wars trilogy, snatch, tombstone, donnie darko, sin city, dr. strangelove, 300, all monty python movies and early mel brooks movies like blazing saddles, young frankenstein and spaceballs. i think thats enough. if you want more movie suggestions send me 10 dollars. a footnote, i just saw no country for old men and i highly recommend it.
tv sucks. i work in tv and it has destroyed any desire to watch anything.
not much of a reader anymore. i am to easily distracted. if you care i would suggest books by such authors as hunter s. thompson, kurt vonnegut, j.r.r. tolkien or hermann hesse
the good doctor, steve jobs, george romero and edward d. wood jr.