After the success of last year, Jacinda and Myles decided to host another all ages gig this year by the name of 'BamJam'. Bring yourself and all your friends for an excellent day of fun and music. A bunch of local bands playing original music for an entry fee of $10.
All profits go toward the bands. For any information contact us at [email protected], ask for either of our numbers, or leave us a comment.
The Annandale Hotel
Comment us for details and questions.Love, Jacinda and Myles.
From the ashes of Uncontrolable Falling Down (U.F.D.), Hellsong and Rylie Davidson's ill fated Tom Jones tribute band the Colt 44's were born.
Originally a three piece poorly covering Hot Snakes and Disables songs with Gabe, Rylie and original drummer Cocksinc, the three found it hard to find momentum as an orginal act.
However with the introduction of ex-U.F.D. guitarist and violin virtuoso Mislav Belabradjic the band found new confidence in themselves and began writing a plethora of new songs, which according to critics "rock socks off cocks".
New drummer Julian Coxon from Hellsong, has been convinced to sign his soul away to the running fart joke that is the Colt 44's, a move that would see the band officially become crowned both Best Band in The World and Miss Universe simulatenously.
It should also be noted that due to their arrogance and foul odours, nobody likes the Colt 44's.
Rocheforte are an unsigned five piece band hailing from all corners of Sydney. Since their beginning in late 2007, guitarists Pat and Johnny have combined their influences to create syncopated, heavy riffs and eerie melodies to accompany the funky and innovative bass styles of Eddie, the soaring and powerful vocal range of Elias, and the solid feel that Tully bring in with his beats. Rocheforte represents a fusion of many contrasting influences, complimenting each members ability to bring something new to the Australian music scene.
Desperately seeking a drummer, our four heroes searched far and wide... There was Oliver "Flaming" Fleming, Eden "Hot Stuff" Van Der Kallen, Jono "Quiet Moments Of Reflection" Brown and Davo "Weird Happy guy" Leaupepe... But then, their future was changed forever with the arrival of Sean "We Finally Have A Drummer" Evans. The Quintet Was Complete.Then Sean Evans left. [email protected] then our heroes asked Cullum to join. They can now stay in time.Despite Sucking, Blam! Valiums, just want to play pop music...So now, back by unpopular demand, here are, the Blam! Valiums...Now they are called Shoulders Of Giants. It's a reference to a quote made by Sir Isaac Newton. Hooray.
So, again, back by unpopular demand, again, here are Shoulders Of Giants.
Many of the gods, goddesses, angels, demons & elementals of the universe have conspired to send messages from beyond Spiel. Now these messages have taken the materialised form of the most visually compelling, musically gratifying, explosive live performances our earth bound souls are likely to experience. Inspirational, influential and innovative, Spiel is the band that many others aspire to be.
They have played with light, darkness, sound, silence, form, air and space to make music that plays with the listener, whilst simultaneously engaging and invigorating .. promising more and always delivering. Spiel are here for one reason, to kick your ASS!
They play pop/punk/ska.
Sideways Hitchhiker is something that we dont know how to describe, it just works. all we can say is that if you come to a show, you will not be dissapointed.