A street team consists of rabid, dedicated, lovable fans who live to tell the world about the band they represent. In this case, our goal is to create more and more demand for Psychostick. The XM Radioplay, as well as some FM radioplay, that Psychostick has been getting has been beyond helpful in spreading the word. However, the truest, best form of marketing is Word of Mouth. A street team, more specifically The Dumb, specializes in Word of Mouth marketing by telling friends, schoolmates, family, other bands, local music scenes, and so forth about Psychostick.
More demand for Psychostick will create more sales. More sales create more funds. More funds create more touring, merch, and music. After all, isn't the major goal here to get Psychostick closer to you for some hot, saucy Psychostick IN YOUR FACE? (Yes.)
There are perks to being on this street team. Free merch? Yes! Backstage access to shows? Yes! Other special offers that I can't think of right now? You bet!
While this is the official myspace profile for the official Psychostick street team, it is NOT the official site. To actually sign up for the street team, go to thedumb.org and fill out the form. I know the form says that it is down right now, but that is old info that Rawrb needs to update! *jerk*
Anyways, by adding this profile as a friend on here, you will help spread the word. And give me a break if things are a little weird right now, I'm still trying to put things together.
-el duderino