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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey, I'm Nicole Howe. I have my license to own and operate a daycare, but i have no money...lol....im just tryin to make it, taking it one day at a time. i love my baby ross more than anything in this world. he's my life right now, and his daughter. they mean everything to me! im workin at the steakhouse, so if anyone wants to come up and have a beer and eat some good food, ur welcome to come up, just meake sure and leave me a good tip!!! haha.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

i want to meet Gene Simmons, a hippie, and a few people in dark allys..HAHA
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ROCK.....Shinedown, Seether, Metallica, Breaking Benjamin, Cold, Disturbed, Ozzy, Earshot, Crossfade, Fuel, Godsmack, Korn, Kiss, Pantara, Sw1tched, Mudvayne, Kittie, Papa Roach, all others.....


all kinds, comedy, drama, horror....everything but lord of the rings!!! Free Myspace Pictures


i have lots of books on lesbian living...and lesbian sex that i love reading.....


My hero is any groupy that spent time with Gene Simmons and any hippie from the 60's. HAHA........ .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
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My Blog

Dear Mr. President

this is a song lyric from pinks new cd. its called "dear mr. president." i dont usually listen to pink, but i love the words to this song!!! it says alot!!! its definatly a song that everyone should h...
Posted by Aphrodite on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:52:00 PST

How to eat pussy like a champ!!!

Leilani wrote this I won't take credit for this master piece HOW TO: EAT PUSSY LIKE A CHAMP Obviously, the majority of you retards out there haven't a fucking boardgame clue on how to eat...
Posted by Aphrodite on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 02:09:00 PST


this song describes everything about me, how i feel compaired to everyone around me...Radiohead put into words how i feel...and when Lukas Rossi sings it on Rockstar supernova, his voice numbs me....
Posted by Aphrodite on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:11:00 PST

i give up...

all im gonna say is, "i give up." everything i do turns out wrong, or bad in some way....so im just gonna stop trying....gonna stop looking....obviously the world isnt ready for what im willing to giv...
Posted by Aphrodite on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:36:00 PST

i feel sad...

sometimes i feel like im all alone in this big, huge world....like no one knows where i am, or how im feeling.... i want so much to be held...and told that i matter....yet i keep getting put...
Posted by Aphrodite on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 03:23:00 PST


Women! never DATE a man like this!!!! Men! never BE a man like this!!!! This is written from a woman's perspective so the subject will be men, but feel free to reverse it to suite yourself.If he has n...
Posted by Aphrodite on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:16:00 PST

Scotty doesnt know (eurotrip song)

has anyone heard the song "scotty doesnt know" from the movie Eurotrip???? am i the only one that sings it, placing someone elses name in place for scottys??? is find it pretty hillarious!!! expeciall...
Posted by Aphrodite on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 01:30:00 PST


hey guys! go to http://www.picturetrail.com/photos/nicole_howe86 and look at my pics!!! i added a whole bunch of pics on there! leave me some comments!!...
Posted by Aphrodite on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:28:00 PST

how can i be so stupid?!

How can i be so fucking stupid. I should shoot myself in the foot for being so dumb. For once i think things are going my way, and no, come to find out, its not.  i sit here thinking about him 24...
Posted by Aphrodite on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:29:00 PST