Sisterhood Chronicles centers around four childhood friends who have been like sisters since the beginning of time. One girl of the group, Terri, is at the highlight of her career as a best selling author about to release her 6th book. Things get a little sticky when a newspaper article releases bits and pieces of what readers will expect to read in her upcoming memoir. When her best friend Angela reads the article she realizes that the book is partially based upon incidents that happened between Angela’s father and Terri as a child, Angela is outraged. Word spreads around the town like wildfire. The community is in an uproar waiting on pins and needles for the release of the book, while a lifelong sisterhood is at stake. To make matters worse, Angela recently finds out that her oldest sister Sheila is slowly dying of liver cancer.
Nya, another girl in the group, an ambitious television actress is about to sign a contract with Terri to develop their own film production company until she hears about the secrets from the book evolving, she decides to backs off. Is their sisterhood powerful enough to over- come these unspeakable obstacles—for better or for worse?
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