Born in LakenHeath England. Raised in The U.S. This is page of JayL a.ka. Jherico Phillips! He has been singing since he was a kid at church and various other places.. his mother is a gospel singer and founder of The Celebration of Brotherhood chapter in Newberg, Oregon where he lived as a kid. During late middle school he was moved to Memphis, Tenn. Where he attended high school. At The University of Mempis he began to pursue music by joining the UoM Gospel Choir and majored in Japanese. During College he had the opportunity to tour Japan with Kokujin Tensai. He's back to put together the next international pop group. Relocating to Orlando so let him know if you are interested.YO im Jherico A.K.A JayL!! I just got finished touring Japan and I am starting a new group in Orlando. This Group will be the next International Pop icons. If you are interested let me know. ãŠã‚Œã¯JayLã§ã™!!! ã©ã†ãžã‚ˆã‚ã—ããŠã
Please Dj, Rap or sing with me!!! leave me a comment or email me at
[email protected], JAPAN MY 2nd HOME
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