Sometimes we forget that we have an opinion and that our opinion has validity. This forum is meant to voice the popular and not so popular version's of the truth!Join our topix of the day posted on our Bulletin board daily for comical, political, social banter not typically allowed on television!This site is the online prescense of a developing T.V. Series of the same name created by Randy Sims and Todd Friedman. Two indivuduals who have had nothing but Inappropriate Conversation since coming up with the idea for public open dialogue in late 05'.Since then the idea has been bounced and organized and reorganized for taping in LA, PHX and LV. Your opportunity to be heard is NOW! Send in your topix with a brief defense of your point of view and we will add it to our Daily bulletins! Maybe your topic will be selected for On-Air personal discussion by Mr. Sims and Mr. Friedman!!!!