Daniele Mancini (1940) è nato e vive a Ponte San Giovanni (PG). Dipendente nel settore della telefonia, riscopre solamente nel 1991, con il pensionamento, la sua passione per l’arte avvicinandosi alla scultura quasi per gioco.
Da allora ha trovato in questa forma d’arte sempre nuovi stimoli e nuove fonti di ispirazione, realizzando centinaia di opere. Utilizza soprattutto pietra arenaria modellandola con tecniche tradizionali. Ha partecipato a molte mostre collettive e concorsi non solamente in Umbria. Le sue opere si trovano in molte collezioni private e alcune sue installazioni scultoree permanenti sono presenti sul territorio perugino, una suo gruppo scultoreo recentemente donato al suo Comune di residenza, verrà installato nel nuovo parco di Ponte San Giovanni.
Daniele Mancini was born in Ponte San Giovanni a country near Perugia, and there he lives with his family.
He started felling growing up his passion for art from 1991, year of his retiremented, approaching itself to sculpture nearly for "game".
During the following years this pleasure became passion and so he realized hundred of works using olive tree wood and local stone as travertine and "serena" sandstone, modelling them with hammer and chisel as it is always been in the history of sculpture.
His works are always as special portraits of reality so that looking at them is suddenly clear what they really means to him, or what he wants them to show.
Is possible to see a hundred of small light animals as if they were freezed while they were moving togheter for a joyful destination or a couple of big heavy cows gently waiting for something to come
One of the subject he loves to work on is the Holy Family, every year he has a different idea of Nativity changing each time concept, shapes and dimension
He has participated to many collective extensions and competitions in Italy.
He has been invited to cultural initiatives like the Medieval Festivity of Collestrada
His works are placed in Collestrada (the The Embrace and The Harvester)
and in Ponte San Giovanni (The Family in Bellini Park made of travertine, weight 30 quintals and Memorial Statue of Fallen of World War II, placed on a pylon of the original ancient bridge on Tevere river, that gave the name to the country he lives)
Daniele Mancini nació y sigue viviendo en Puente San Juan pueblo puesto en las cercanÃas de Perugia. Hasta el 1991 trabajó en el sector telefónico; su pasión para el arte se despertó en el momento de la jubilación, cuando se acercó a la escultura casi por juego. Desde entonces ha encontrado en esta forma de arte siempre nuevos estÃmulos y nuevas fuentes de inspiración, realizando centenares de obras.
Poco a poco su escultura se hizo pura expresión plástica demostrada por toda su gran capacidad en incidir maderas y modelar la piedra con técnicas tradicionales (martillo y escapelo) utilizando sobretodo travertino y piedra arenaria "serena" (de pedrera local) y madera de olivo , sacando intensos retratos , atormentados sujetos religiosos o animalitos divertidos.
Ha participado en muchas exposiciones colectivas y concursos en Italia. Ha sido invitado a acontecimientos culturales en los pueblos cercanos, como la "Fiesta Medioeval" en Collestrada, a cuya comunidad ha regalado dos obras:"Abrazo" y "El segador de trigo" puestas en el antiguo burgo del siglo XIII. Además en Puente San Juan está "La familia", escultura de travertino de 3 toneladas, en el parque Bellini; otra escultura, que recuerda los caÃdos de la 2° guerra mundial, está encima de un machón del antiguo puente del rÃo TÃber.