I love to travel, and meet new people. I've been to Bangkok,Thailand, Seoul, Korea, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Currasao, Colombia,Trinidad, Monterrey, Mexico and the Virgin Islands, and some of the many great places in the United States. I vacationed last year for a month in Japan....Tokyo, Rippongi, Osaka, Odiaba, Tobu,Oita, Beppu, Hiroshima, Nagasaki! I love Japan. Conichiwa Muthafuckas!! This year we went to the Olympics in Beijing, China. That was so unforgettable! I met some awesome people, crazy fanatics and partied with some of the most beautiful people from all over the world! I love to make money, especially fast money! I love my toys.. such as.. my dropped, chromed and stretched 'Busa. My Big Bear Chopper that makes me feel like a celebrity every time I ride that 300MM, raked , chromed out nasty mutha fucker! My Convertible supercharged Cobra, (500HPR!!!) and my new speed boat. I love electronics, I guess you can call me a Techie, I buy all the latest and greatest. I like real people, I get along with everybody.Cool MySpace Layouts
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