B profile picture


I think the Gentlemen stole my voice.

About Me

Dear God,
If there's one thing I don't believe in, it's you. Anyways...on to my questions:

1. Who allowed that Suicidal Tendencies song in the game?
2. Where is orange kitty?
3. Why does James only want inside when no one is calling him?
4. Why hasn't my thumb ever healed after slamming it in the window?
5. What exactly is the dog barking at?

My Interests

Guitar Hero. Music. Computers. Pomeranians. Orange kitty.

I'd like to meet:

The cats of Rome *although even Benedryl is not strong enough to help me get any where near them.


Currently on rotation in the car: NPR, random crap on the radio


Last netflix The Illusionist
Last movie movie Dream Girls.


Current viewing: Scrubs, The Office, My Name is Earl, 30 Rock (I don't think I actually like it, but I do love Tina Fey), South of Nowhere (once it starts again - which seems like it won't be for quite some time), Daily Show, Colbert Report, Food Network, Reruns of Buffy, X Play, Reruns of Six Feet Under, Heroes, Prison Break, Bad Girls


Currently reading: Information Systems for Health Care Enterprises, Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective (thrilling, I know).


My parents.