Band History
This metal group came into being in 2008 y. They love music and they are making they first album Owkidow. Now we can hear 5 songs of them. First song of them, names "Owkidow". In this song we hear Woman And Man. Thinktiura And Tarantul are Trying to show world how much people must love Owkidow( a Crazy Boy) .Tarantul (in song) is in love and Thinktiura Too. The Next song of them names "The Noddy".In this song, Tarantul is jealousy about Thinktiura, because She is in love with Noddy,young crazy clown. Text of songs in this band are verry important and very clever. Music is too nice.The Porn, is too beauty song, having very gothic and scary climate.This song is about sex in life of people. The new album of Off Kidow is very interesing, and is filled with a feelings.Autors of this album (Off Kidow) are putting very much work into album. And This Band and album are great.