Hello, welcome to my place. Sit down, let me get you a cup of tea. Crumpet? Nut? As I write there's a great sunset, so let's all sit back and enjoy that for a bit... My name isn't really i-Squirrel, it's Stuart, and I've made a few tunes, which you might be listening to right now. What I've done is carve up some old tunes, whittled away with a penknife until they all fit together, rounded off the edges with an angle grinder, drilled in some new crevices, redesigned the cornices, laid out a new lawn, plumbed in a fountain, mortared the balustrade, took down the outhouse, fitted a new potting shed, and then played some instruments over the top. It's like pushing magnets together.
My Interests
Member Since: 06/03/2008
Band Members: Stu Crozier - instruments and machines
Influences: yes
Sounds Like: it was made in an old barn
Record Label: Unsigned