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- Dylan in Rock -

About Me

Das Unmögliche möglich machen - oder es mit Dylan selbst sagen:
May you build a ladder to the stars ....
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young .
Dylan kann man nicht covern, aber ein Konzert mit seinen großen Werken auf die Bühne bringen schon, vorausgesetzt man hat die Musiker, die diese Herausforderung annehmen, die bei ständigen Richtungswechseln zwischen Rock..n.. Roll, Blues & Boogie, Reggae, Folk, Soul und R & B die Bodenhaftung nicht verlieren und ihre Erfahrungen vorbehaltlos in den Dienst der Sache stellen! So kommen Dylans Klassiker und Kultsongs flächendeckend generationsübergreifend daher, in brandaktuellen, eigenständigen Versionen.
Zusammengeschraubt aus sechs grandiosen Musikern, die schon unter so illustren Namen wie: CONTROL COMPANY, RAVENS, BLUEHOUNDS, IN JEANS, FOUR MURDERS, PILEDRIVERS, RAGS, METRÖX und PSYCHIC ATTACK viele Straßen unsicher gemacht haben und jetzt mit geballter Kraft unter der Haube in ihrer neuen Mission wieder auf dem Weg sind!
"From Broadway To The Milky Way" at
Andreas M. Boettcher, [email protected] ____________________________________________________________ ____
It’s finally here!
Now, after seven years on stage, HOW MANY ROADS have released their first studio album. In doing so, they have answered the prayers of their many fans – giving them a full collection of HMR adaptations of the legendary Bob Dylan’s oeuvre to add to the four tracks on their 2001 demo album.
The band spent March to July 2007 in bassist Markus Kaiser’s studio (s.p.audiolab, Josefstr. 11, D-59846 Sundern / ), just to get as far as mixing the tracks. The result – in terms of arrangements and production techniques – is second to none. “From Broadway To The Milky Way” is over an hour of magnificent music; fourteen songs featuring an enormous stylistic variety and yet at the same time with a typically distinctive HMR sound, which combines highly polished guitars and keyboards with the powerfully pulsating rhythms of the bass and drums and the singer’s vivid vocals.
HOW MANY ROADS sound like more than just another tribute act, as the concept of their music goes beyond simply being a Dylan replica or a trip down memory lane. Often, the listener experiences the songs of rock’s greatest poet in a completely new way, such as a rapped club remix of “Quinn the Eskimo” (a worldwide hit for Manfred Mann at the end of the ‘60s) with choral backing vocals, or “Blowin’ in the Wind” set to an irresistible reggae groove with intricately arranged acoustic and electric guitars.
____________________________________________________________ ____ Translated into English by Michael McKenzie
Poole, Dorset, England
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Member Since: 3/6/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Nobby Sasse:
drums & vocals

Stefan Wulf:
lead & rhythm..n..riff guitar

Markus Kaiser:
bass & vocals

Mox R. Koch:
lead vocals, harmonica & ac.guitar

Ralf Ohlig:
keyboards, melodica & vocals

Karsten Witsch:
rhythm..n..riff guitar & vocals

Influences: Dylan, Stones, Rock'n'Roll....

I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.

Record Label: DA MUSIC - Deutsche Austrophon
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

BOOKING -> [email protected] // Super Live-Performance

HOW MANY ROADSplayDYLAN in ROCK________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________A Tribute To Bob Dylan // Super Live-Performance // 6 Vo...
Posted by HOW MANY ROADS on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 07:20:00 PST