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Light Engine Films

About Me

NG26: One More Road From Home

Welcome to Light Engine Films - We specialise in innovative affordable broadcast standard music videos. If you are serious about a career in the music industry in the 21st century a professionally produced music video is an absolute essential. At Light Engine Films we have the experience and expertise to bring your ideas to life and the creativity to build exciting videos that will get you noticed both online and on TV- and the good news is that it doesn't have to be expensive, prices start from as little as £295!

Smoking Rolo Side Show

This is not that: The Smoking Rolo Side Show have wanted to shoot this video for a number of years but couldn't find a production outfit that could produce the standard of work they wanted on an affordable budget- untill they found Light Engine Films! We traveled to Alnwick in Northumberland for the two day shoot for "This is not that". The side show had provided us with a clear and detailed synopsis of what they wanted but gave us a totally free rain with the direction, they had also extensively researched locations. The shoot was very efficient and great fun for all concerned- even though it involved a 5am start. The weekend was a great success and for £800 The Smoking Rolo Side Show now have the video they have always wanted.

Death by Orchestra

The Ground Leaves Nothing: Mysterious things were going on at an abandoned nut and bolt factory in Sheffield in the middle of a wet July night. Strange music filled the air and a luminous orange and red mist swirled around the crumbling brick work. Shadowy figures darted about, £450 changed hands and within a couple of hours Light Engine Films had shot this atmospheric video for "the Ground leaves nothing".

My Interests


Member Since: 3/6/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:

    Dan Hart Producer/Director/EditorSteve Withington Web design/Camera operator/MonkeysAdrian Bax-White Sound engineer/Music producer0742 Location managerZontarActorFrank Zontar’s assistantTia-Anna Sore Arse Wreck ActorLorna Williamson PublicityCarlos Barcode other technical shit you wouldn’t understand

Influences: We are influenced by our belief that your band should have the opportunity to produce a wild broadcast standard promo video for a few hundred quid that would give your band a REAL chance of getting the exposure it deserves! ....that doesnt sound too gay does it?
Sounds Like: We sound like a bunch of people making cool budget promo videos.
Record Label: Light Engine Films
Type of Label: Indie

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