Racing, Golf, Traveling to the Caribbean, hanging out with friends, just generally trying to find a good time!
What's your name? Billy Humble
Do you think your a good driver? yes
What's your car number? 10
What make of engine do you run? Chevy
What size of engine? 377
Have you ever purposly wrecked someone? Yes
If so, who? They know
How far have you drove to race? 4-5 hrs
What's the longest you've drove to WATCH a race? 2 hrs
Have you ever rolled your car? not yet
Have you ever been hurt in a racecar? yes
If so, what? thumbs, ribs, neck
Where do you prefer to run? (top-bottom) top
Do you like a tacky track or a slick track? slick
How long have you been racing? 14 yrs
Do you want your car on the loose side or tight? tight
How many mains have you won? 10
Championships? None yet
Do you work on your own car? yes
What kind of fire suit do you own? safety
Helmet? bell
Do you want to move up in racing? I'm good where I'm at, unless someone wants to put up a free ride!! LOL
If so, what's your goal?
If not, what do you see yourself doing in the future? Keep racing local.