RICARDO XAVIER,composer and guitarrist, was born 1969 in Taubaté – Brazil. Guitarrist since 1985, he nas been involved in music composition and its continuous research and study. As a self-taught, he hasn't attended any long term courses or gone to college, but he was oriented by some great teachers and musicians as such: Jimi Ferreira (classical guitar tuition) at the local music conservatory in Taubaté city, Livio Tragtenberg (Campos do Jordão Winter Music Festival). Yet Florivaldo Menezes was the great contributer and teacher for Xavier's most important development in the new music context (electroacoustic music). He met Flo Menezes during the Campos do Jordão Winter Music Festival. Later he joined the group of students at Studio Panaroma (Fasm, Unesp – São Paulo from 1997 to 1998). In 1998 he attended a course under Karlheinz Stockhausen orientation (Stockhausen Courses Kurten) about music analysis and composition. In the last years, he has been working as a composer, guitarrist, recording studio technician and producer in his own studio. Ricardo Xavier is an acting composer and has been writing several works for a variety of instruments and group formations including the orchestra. Classical, jazz, "fusion", rock, soundtracks, experimental and electroacoustic music are the music which has influenced him over the years.
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