Wintermournst profile picture


About Me

"Watch, and war, until the Wolves guard cold graves...for eternity and ever more..."
WINTERMOURNST came suprsingly subtly enough into the scene under a variety ovf names in early 2004 after the release ov the teenage frontman JR Rejecter from a two year bout ov rehabilitation centers. With hatred and wrath in mind the guitarist/vocalist ov WINTERMOURNST quickly tried his best to recruit members for the most soul scathing and darkest band the Crescent City had ever metal or not. With the cold dead voice and blistering distorted brutality the frontman pours forth topics such as occultic genocide, necromancy, darkness, hate, blasphemy, and dark passions, death ov rival gods, polytheistic and occultic rites long since ignored, forgotten, or wiped out by the long standing evil that is modern society and the church.
ATTENTION!!!! Those sending "Frend Requests" or visiting this page please understand you will be reviewed, do not be insulted if denied. frankly, as a band, we could give a fuck less about the number of myspace friends we have or how many ghosts of people want to be in our "top". we don't care, you will be reviewed and possibly made an example of. The last thing on our minds is myspace. This is not some boy band trying to have fun or get this girls. This is raw, this is fucking grim, this is real downsouth New Orleanian black metal. We eat meat, we drink, we smoke, we get high, we curse, we blasphemize, we kill, black metal is war, metal is life. if you're offended by a goddamned computer than you have no business being on the internet let alone listening to extreme metal. YOU'VE BEEN OFFICIALLY WARNED......

My Interests


Member Since: 3/5/2008
Band Website: Welcome to the official WINTERMOURNST myspace
Band Members:

J.R. REJECTER - Voices, Lead Guitar, Lyrics and Composition...
2nd guitar, Bass, and Synth on all albums...


Death, Necromancy, The Occult, and War.
Hostility/Contempt towards Judeo/Christianity
MUSIC WISE: Deicide(yes the band too) - Emperor - 1349- Aborym - Beherit- Hellhammer -Absurd- Sarcofago- Abruptum- Absu- Behemoth- Throne of Ahaz- Black Messiah - Slayer - Dark Funeral - Marduk - Morbid Angel - King Diamond - Alabama Thunder Pussy - Down - Exhorter - Metallica - Pantera - Burzum - Immortal - GORGOROTH - Frost - Satyricon - Dimmu Borgir - Arch Enemy - Graveland - Black Messiah - Bathory - Enthroned - Enslaved - Death - Cannibal Corpse - Six Feet Under - Amon Amarth - Nile - Nightwish - BG - C murder - Bloodsoaked - Old Mans Child - Electric Hellfire Club - MAYHEM - DARKTHRONE - Iced Earth - Misery Index - Hypocrisy - Marijuana (not a band) - Nevermore- Venom - In Flames - Funeral Dust - Otep - HP Lovecraft - Poe - Horror Movies - Khold - Hatebreed - Necrophagist - Static X - Led Zepplin - Pink Floyd - Mozart - Vivaldi - Dio - Black Sabath - Celtic Frost - Outworld -Black Label Society - Jack Daniels - Bourbon Street - Tom Petty - Killswitch Engaged - Emperor - Emperor- Emperor - Emperor - Emperor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Souls Rejecter JR Rejecter uses ESP GUITARS, ENGL AMPS, and EMG-81 Active pickups in all guitars simply because they are the best.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn..."
"Cthulhu fhtagn!" "Cthulhu fhtagn!" "Cthulhu fhtagn!"
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn..."
"Cthulhu fhtagn!!!"

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (
Sounds Like: The mourning of Winter...
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Engl Amps

Good evening, it is 4:51 am in New Orleans, and it seems it is once again that time you sorry bastards for me to update everyone on the best gear available and what I, JR, use myself to achieve the be...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 02:54:00 GMT

ESP Guitars

Greetings all who might make the fortunate (or unfortunate) decision of accessing this blog. This is yours truly, master and commander, legion and god of Emolocaust and Wintermournst. I am here to ta...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 02:50:00 GMT

Official Name Change > WINTERMOURNST

We are now as we appear, the name which we've considered for so long is now OFFICIAL! We are now WINTERMOURNST, and our word is law.   We'd like to give a "thank you" to Christophe who made our p...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 07:14:00 GMT

Sadistic Jesus Camp (help make this past not future)

Christianity as its brainwashing finest. watch this video and feel the anger inside of you. "In the name of Jesus?"
Posted by on Tue, 27 May 2008 04:13:00 GMT