FalseAngel profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

crap, this is always the dumbest section... what to say that doesn't sound like i have either low self esteem or a serious ego problem..... I'm uber smart, like Maxwell Smart..... and i like to be me.... hmm i'm arrogant as hell when i'm right, but that's only often enough to make it mildly annoying, not REALLY annoying.... other than that i'm just pretty self-confident... and I have a pretty sarcastic sense of humor, but in a good way, really......Hmmm what else.. OMG... I hate my townhome, I need to get a house so bad.. And here I am going to school, can you believe I'm going to be a fire fighter? They're actually going to PAY me to risk my life.... there really is a job for anyone out there... :) Want to play with my fireman??
OMG I'm OFF probation EARLY!!!!! WHOOTY WHOOT Living proof that being a pain in the ass can be beneficial!!! Now I just need to get my rights re-instated and i'm good to go.
ok i've got a few Yahoo Albums to check out
I have new pics of my son Anthony
My recently Born son Ian Gabrael . He was born March 19th at 8:33pm.
and pics of Me though you should check out the other album "nekkid" if you want to see more skin, these require you be 18 or over cause they gots my dangly hangin out in a couple pics,
NOTE: z No smoking around FalseAngel. Thankyou for your co-operation.
From Go-Quiz.com
Your Element Is Air
You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world. And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life. You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person. With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that! What's Your Element?
fascinating, isn't it? i think it sounds like me when i'm not being stressed out at every turn by fanatical right-wing terrorists with big missles and potato guns and giant beer throwing slingshots.... damn those cans hurt when they hit your temple....
SOOTHER...You are a soother! Hardcore to the last, you enjoy
dancing the most. Trance music, club, techno...
you name it, and you can spout off any number
of good songs for raving to. The soother is a
kind of, pardon the pun, a pacifier to you. In
the middle of a crazy song, you find your
centre when that soother touches your lips.
Just remember to breathe!RAVE ON!
What Piece Of Rave Equipment Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I stole this quote from a very intelligent woman's blog site, jessysblog :
"Every citizen of the United States has a civic duty to participate in their government, and keep themselves informed of its actions, or government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” isn’t possible. You were warned that “eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, ” but you chose to ignore your government, and believe whatever they told you, and because of this, Americans have lost their freedom. Although presidents and senators are public servants, unlike the dog catcher and mailman, they wield a lot of power over people’s lives, and that’s why they have to be watched, and scrutinized."
I know I tell you guys all the time but would you guys get out and VOTE!!!
“All men dream...... But not equally.. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it is vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible.....”
-- T. E. Lawrence (as in Lawrence of Arabia)

My Interests

everything under the sun and then some...snowboarding, rock climbing, spleunking, hiking, partying, smokin ganj(I'M FREE TO SMOKE AGAIN!!!), hanging out, occasional raves, road trips, creating things, working on cars, putzin around on computers, and now this...

The Lost Soul

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

GREEN, Your death's colour is Green. Death of the
mind. Your heart is isolated within your
mind. You seek knowledge. You are very rare.

??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla


I listen to everything, but Jungle holds a special place in my heart... but I love classic rock, rock, metal, dark metal, "alternative," classical, electronic, punk, easy listnin', mariachi, jazz, blues, show tunes, hell even some country.. I really do listen to everything that has some redeeming musical quality.

What kind of techno music are you?
You are drum and bass!
Take this quiz !

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Takashi Miike, Ridley Scott, QT, old Golden Harvest Films. really anything by the old chinese opera group(i'm talking old Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung films), Ronny Yu (the Bride with White Hair rules.. go Wu-Tang Clan!), Takashi Shimizu, I really feel disillusioned with most american directors...they just don't seem to create art, just entertainment. That or they just rip off the really good ones. There is always a place in my heart for a good action flick and I must admit, I watched a lot of Bruce Lee, Clint Eastwood, Arnold, and John Wayne as a child, and still enjoy those movies. Damn I like a lot of movies.


When I'm watching TV, it'd be adult swim and comedy central like all the time, for sure.... but then i prolly switch to the discovery channel or the history channel on commercials (oh its a show about hitler.. hehehe) hmmm and i love sundance and IFC.. but i can't steal those from COX.. well i guess its not just adult swim and comedy central....


"Constitutional Chaos" by Andrew Napolitano, anything by Asimov, Laurell K. Hamilton I'm in love with. "The Secret to Living a Tax Free Life" by Edmund Fitzsimmons, "The Celestine Prophecy" and all the other books by James Redfield, Anything by Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, or Hunter S. Thompson, Thomas Paine, Anything on my bookshelf. AND PLEASE READ The Hidden Messages in Water by M. Emoto


Ben Franklin, Werner Von Brauhn, Tom Edison, Mike Faraday, Al Einstien, Bruce DePalma, Nick Tesla, Old Man Wankel, Marc Emery, Tom Jefferson, Most of the GOOD Founding Fathers, All the TRUE Anarchists, Chaung Tzu, my son Anthony, and my son Ian
My pirate name is: Dread Pirate Bonney Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.