Kathrin profile picture


whatever. SADASAAAAAAA....

About Me

WHATEVER. I'm old. My hair is quickly turning brown (at least not gray for now right?). I'm the "nice" twin and I'm a librarian. Need I say more?

My Interests

Emily Strange; pop culture; twins; color theory;anthropology; sociology; tv; foreign languages - japanese culture; japanese food; Coca-cola classic in a can; unfiltered sake; figuring out how to live the life of leisure....all things darkly sarcastic; seeking out truth in all its forms only to choose whether to ignore it or not. I've got to work on this "interests" bit....

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp. Buck Satan. Judy Blume.


Led Zepplin, Indigo Girls, Split Enz, Smiths, Billy Joel; Sondre Lerche; PJ Harvey; Rufus Wainwright; John Mayer; Triumph; Black Sabbath; a wide variety...everything but country.


Waiting for Guffman; Radio Days; anything by Jim Jarmusch, Quentin Tarintino and Woody Allen. All of the Cohn brother movies...Brain Candy; Pulp Fiction; Tampopo; To Kill a Mockingbird; musicals....whatever strikes my fancy.


Where to start....Simpsons, South Park, Six Feet Under, Sopranos, Carnivale, Deadwood, Trailer Park Boys; AbFab; Graham Norton; Adventures of Pete and Pete; Austin Stories; Old Degrassi; Lost; Changing Rooms; Mr. Show; Strangers with Candy; Kids in the Hall. Wondefalls is awesome; Dead like Me...I do enjoy various reality tv shows - but not so much that I HAVE to watch them all the time....


Anything by Louise Erdrich; Life of Pi; To Kill a Mockingbird; Tom Robbins' novels - Still life with Woodpecker, Even Cowgirls get the blues; Laurie Notaro, Lemony Snicket, Shakespeare, Tim Burton books...Anything by Hemingway or Steinbeck.....J.K. Rowling, Judy Blume, Sylvia Plath, Dr. Suess...a wide range of things. My latest favorite author is Christopher Moore...you HAVE to read Fluke and all of his others... I'm a librarian for Christ sake!


Emily Strange. I'm not really sure I belive in heroes.....i'll get back to you.

My Blog


i'm sad..sad, sad, sad. I want a new job...maybe even a new career but i'm stumped. Not having any luck obtaining a new position and have no clue what other careers i'd be good at. Why is it you alrea...
Posted by Kathrin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Cinco de mayo

Buenos dios...Es cinco de maya, mi día de fiesta preferido de México aparte del día de los muertos. ¡Salud a todos mis homies del vato!
Posted by Kathrin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Which Family Guy character are you? Courtesy of Sleestak....

Which Family Guy character are you? ...
Posted by Kathrin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST