About Me
Things I love: scrumptulecent dinners and a good starbucks carmel macchaitto, the beach and playing in the sand, I love the smell of a good perfume, the company of good friends, dirty filthy martinis with massive amounts of olives, marble loaf cake, an amazing pair of shoes, comfy cozy clothes, bubble yum bubble gum, being tan, making people laugh, I love helping others, I love the yankees and giants...(because its an excuse to drink during the day)...I love being sucessful and will always strive to be the best at what I do, and most importantly I love my parents more than anything in the whole entire world they will always be my rock and I don't know what I would do without them encouraging me and being there for me!!! Live life as though it was your last day...its so much more fun that way! MWAH!