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About Me

Born and raised in Charleston, living in Mt Pleasant now. I am the only boy of 5 children, and yes, it has affected me.... Cold weather sucks. If its not warm enough for me to be riding my Big Dog or out on the WORLD FAMOUS "Skirt Chaser" for a day of fun on the water, then its too damn cold! I play in a couple of softball leagues and a summer baseball league (trying to stay young as long as I can).

My Interests

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Paul Giamatti - Try A Little Tenderness

FAV excerpt 4rm the 2000 movie "Duets"...========== ***LYRICS*** ==========(Verse 1) Ohhh she may be weary Young girls, they do get weary Wearing that same old shaggy dress [Yeaaaaahhh] But when she gets weary [She gets weary] Try a little tenderness [Tenderness, Yeaaaaah](Verse 2) You know she's waiting Just anticipating ...

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