palestine profile picture


we decended from the water and soon we will go back, why dont we open up our borders and let ourselv

About Me

i love everybody in my life and am thankfull for them but no religion sorry if I offend anyone.please pople take a stand before the new world order takes over, chavez is a start

My Interests

revolution,somtimes starting a union at wall mart,thinking of how to start the revolution. Thinking of ways to overthrow our dictator( oops im going to get a knock at the door now). not working very hard everyday. fishing (no just kidding), skateboarding even though i dont do it sorry yes i do,.somtimes art if im not insane, not paying my taxes and trying to see if they will collect they wont

I'd like to meet:

anyone whos smart,and has a voice , oh ya and these people under this because they r so happy with their lives


i like music


gummo,requiem for a dream,the deer hunter ,apocalypse now, go,,kids ,the keep, and lord of the cock rings


so much tv that the tv is eventually watching me


chomski,moore,i,zinn, real american greats,and icke ,english author


People who can just live their life without consequence and live it poor.