B.A profile picture


Cuz mami's a rider, and I'm a roller Put us together, how they gon' stop both us?

About Me

Ju$ ask me!!

My Interests

Getting my degree,..making money...and Women

I'd like to meet:



Name:: b.a
Age:: 21
Birthplace:: chi-city
Current location:: p-ville
Hair color:: black
Eye color:: dbrown
Height:: 5-7
Weight:: 185
Tatoos:: none
Piercings:: 1 ear
Weakness:: failure
Most Missed Memory:: grandma
Best friends:: g,money,gj
Bedtime:: now
First Thought When You Wake Up:: i woke uo
Weakness:: failure
Goal For The Year:: bench press 225 again max 250
Greatest Fears:: none
Pepsi or Coke:: pepsi
Burger king or McDonalds:: mc d's
Hot Tea or Ice Tea:: ice tea
Chocolate or Vanilla:: vanilla
Hugs or Kisses:: both
Cats or Dogs:: dogs
Summer or Winter:: summer
Love or Money: both
My lover......
Perferred Eye Color:: dnt matter
Perferred Hair Color:: dnt matter
Short Hair or Long Hair:: dnt matter
Look and personality:: personailty
Hot or Cute:: both
Skinny...Muscular...or Fat...: nice shape
Body Part on the Opposite Sex:: belly
Food:: italian
Type of Music:: hip-hop n rnb
Celebrity:: jennifer anniston
Other stuff....
Do You Sleep W/ The Light On?: nope
Can You Walk In High Heels?: i never tried
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: oh yea
Been On Stage?: plenty
Played Spin The Bottle?: yep
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could?: i'd try
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Granny Lurene R.I.P