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More INFO!!!
The Rocket Show is a Brisbane Radio show that celebrates the sheer BEAUTY of Australian Music in all its forms. Every TUESDAY night from 6pm - 8pm (Aus EST) on Switch 1197 AM, the boys talk to METAL, TECHNO, FOLK, WESTERN (ok not so many of those), bands.
Each week the show is also a mix of Comedy, Satire, News, Current Affairs, Interviews with Bands/singers/UFO experts/Magicians and other pundits that work equally well on Radio.
The show is broadcast live from the SWITCH 1197 AM studios
and can be heard
in Brisbane on 1197 AM
live on the net at:
The show stars: Marshall Davis (the guy that looks a hell of a lot like Roger Federer),
Shane Downey (that guy that sings and does comedy and likes really he loves them).
Are you down? Are you feeling a little wierd? Feeling a bit too shit? Check out:
Beyond Blue website
Want some more info on AIDS and HIV after our show recently?? Check out QAHC (pronounced: "quack") for more details or if you have any concerns and you would like to talk to someone.
Qld Association for Health Communities WEBSITE
Want some more info on UFO's???? Check out the Official UK government UFO FILES:
UK Government UFO files
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