If you are going to add me as a friend, please send me a message before hand as I'm not really into adding people and then never speaking to them. Don't worry, i don't bite :)I recorded the soundtrack to a film by my friend, Horatio . You can watch the film here: From Death to Image
You can also watch a live video of me playing over the film at a night called, "Fiasco":
Click here
Here is another film/sound installation that aims to disrupt common sensory perception entitled, "Breathe" by my friend, Horatio . The music is from a piece also entitled, "Breathe" that I recorded myself. You can watch the film here:Breathe
Thanks a lot
P.S. Sorry if it takes while for me to add you/respond to your messages, my internet time is very limited. I will however try my best to respond as quickly as possible
Wigan Music Collective
Click here and add the NEW VICTORIAN DAD site to your friends!!!
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