owen profile picture


Attention restaurant customers: Testicles. That is all.

About Me

yo all of u out there in computer land this is the words that be the flow out of my mouth and through the keys, onto the screen, through your brain for some corruption. So that was a lie. Previously known as a 'BORN AGAIN HOMOSEXUAL', just though i would clarify some things. Have no embarasements in this department, but like the lady kind out there. This was to be brought up after numerous 'are u bi? because i am' messages. Sorry guys. This peice, and what a piece, is devoted to the ladys of the world. So you want to know all about me? sliced bread, yeah i invented that, wanna fight about it? before that, you would not believe what was happening in the world, people actually sliced their own bread! revelations!so everyone got lazy, and i came and saved the day and sliced their bread for them in nice thin slices! what do i do on sunday mornings now? i go down to the bakery, get the paper and some bread, and bring it home...dah dah daaa and slice the thing with our brown handled knife. pretty tricky. so tricky, to slice some bread, to slice some bread thats nice and thick- run dmc. My other achievements in life are, mowing the lawn all by myself, beating ben in a handstand competition on the high seas, loosing to hansel in a walkoff and setting up my very owen myspace. well tallented. I sacreficed late night and going out with my friends, just to stay home alone. i carved these rhymes out with my heart and my soul. oh yeah. i have a bike thats worth more than my car, which i ride. i bodybords, very poorly. have the genes of a race car driver, just poor tools to work with. Friday nights are movie nights in the owen palace and are always watched loud. i am doing nursing at newcastle uni and have just started a job with aami insurance. nuff said. be my friend
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

inserests like google has web listings and myspace has members. anything that is fun to pass the time is worth a go. getting out there and having fun is where it's all at. i enjoy going to the beach wether it be so surf, swim, snorkle, fish or look for hotties.i hate wasting time and feel i should always be doig something with my time. i listen to heaps of music whenever i get the chance and often when i dont. read books when i can and theres nothing worth my watching on the box. want to get into diving soon so iam gonna do the course and stuff and get me a kit ready for summer. also investing in a new bike to get a bit of fittness up , amd the fact the i am gonna loose my licence for being stupid meh

I'd like to meet:

ELTON JOHNGEORGE MICHAELROBBIE WILLIAMS (in his tiger underpants... GRRRRRR)SVEN IN HIS PRE-FAT STATE, (although, the fat rolls are fun to play with... if you know what i mean)your mum!


to be listened to.


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is to be watched.


i read


your mum