inserests like google has web listings and myspace has members. anything that is fun to pass the time is worth a go. getting out there and having fun is where it's all at. i enjoy going to the beach wether it be so surf, swim, snorkle, fish or look for hotties.i hate wasting time and feel i should always be doig something with my time. i listen to heaps of music whenever i get the chance and often when i dont. read books when i can and theres nothing worth my watching on the box. want to get into diving soon so iam gonna do the course and stuff and get me a kit ready for summer. also investing in a new bike to get a bit of fittness up , amd the fact the i am gonna loose my licence for being stupid meh
ELTON JOHNGEORGE MICHAELROBBIE WILLIAMS (in his tiger underpants... GRRRRRR)SVEN IN HIS PRE-FAT STATE, (although, the fat rolls are fun to play with... if you know what i mean)your mum!
to be listened to.
adopt your own virtual pet!
is to be watched.
i read
your mum