I realize that alot of people aren't happy with where they are right now and I'd like to meet some one who would like to take that next step to having a better more exciting and fulfilling life.
I want to get married to Marriah she's my top friend right now. She needs to accept I had the most fun I ever had with her and I want it to keep goin. I made some mistakes with money that made me separate from her but I fixed them. So when she comes back things will be stress free and exciting.
Some people think they know everything and aren't willing to give things a try. Of course you don't try cocaine or other illeagal drugs because thats diffinately bad for you. But other products that are sold in repuatable stores are often overlooked. Theese products can help you and it upsets me that people spend million or dollars and work years to make products that help normal people have a better life and people don't use them.