.:*Luna*:. profile picture


LoVe= Giving someone the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to 3

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Puede que hayas entrado por alguna equivocación, talvez buscando saber quien soy o quizás ya me conozcas… Para aquellos que no me conocen diría que soy simpática, alegre y que me gusta la sinceridad. Pero si de honestidad se trata creo que no soy esa persona. No soy aquella que muchos odian o aquella que uno que otro admira. Soy una mujer diferente a la que fui ayer… Suelo escribir cuando las lágrimas quieren correr y sueño cuando recuerdo que es divertido. Puede que escriba con la misma pasión con la que trato de vivir y muchos puedan pensar que me sobra corazón… Solo tengo uno. No creo en la perfección. Soy dueña de un corazón que nació en octubre, latió en abril y murió en septiembre… hoy solo busca revivir. De morir mañana dejaría escrito en algún lugar que fui dos Personas… aquella que la vida hizo de mi y aquella que siempre soñe. Una niña que siempre soñó con un norte y una mujer que vivió en el sur y entremedio de todo, amo, lloro y sonrió. Cristine Rodriguez

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I'd like to meet:

What Your Favorite Color Purple Says About You:
Intuitive --- Seeking --- Creative
Kind --- Self-Sacrificing --- Growth Oriented
Strong --- Very Wise --- Rare What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?
You Are the Ego
You take a balanced approach to your life.
You definitely aren't afraid to act out on your desires - even crazy ones.
But you usually think first. Morals drive you as much as hedonism does.
You've been able to live a life of pleasure... without living a life of excess. Are You Id, Ego, or Superego?
You Should Be A Poet
You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.
And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...
Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.
You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem. What Type of Writer Should You Be?
Your Brain is 73% Female, 27% Male
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you! What Gender Is Your Brain?
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!


Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.


Your independence is high.
You don't need to be in love, and sometimes you don't even want love.
Having your own life is very important for you...
Even more important than having a relationship. The Five Variable Love Test
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 100%
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is Very High

You've spent a lot of time introspecting, and it's really paid off.
You are comfortable with who you are, and you have a life philosophy that you are happy to live by.
And you're always re-evaluating what you believe. Because you learn something new about yourself each day! How Does Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Rate?more than what I am now, more than love found, more than life lost, more than those who hurt me most, more than my dreams, more than comfortable, more than my hypocrisy, more than my addictions, more than the darkest secrets that are slowly drowning me, more than our struggle, more than always running away, more than the fear that keeps me from leaving, more than religion, more than the religious, more than loneliness, more than my defeat, more than the way my heart pounds when he is near, more than the changing seasons, more than their admiration, more than respect, more than their disapproval, more than what I've worked for, more than what I have found, more than the emptiness, more than guilt, more than each other, more than his smile, more than the shame that never lets go, more than being haunted by my wrongs, more than the new, more than I know, more than goodbye, more than the promises that he'd change, more than our futile efforts to forgive, more than all the tears shed, more than the love that always seems to fade, more than our frailty, more than disease, more than visiting hours, more than his last words, more than they ever thought i could be, more than the love i gave away too quickly, more than the love i held onto for far too long, more than the lies i believed, more than our innocence, more than the glimpses of beauty that call us home, more than all the ways we love and hope and bleed and hate and strive...?

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Sex and the city, Charmed, Will and Grace, Friends, Everybody love raymond,VH1,.....


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You must not lose faith in humanity.... Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. (Mahatma Gandhi)

My Blog

Niño de mi corazon

  Solo sabemos amar ausencias, extrañamos tanto que se forma parte de la rutina pero cuando el amor toca nuestra puerta, ofreciéndonos el mundo a ojos cerrados, no nos molestamos ni en asomar la ...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 07:08:00 PST

Asta que se borren las ganas de tenerte...

Mientras muchos duermen, El mundo se hace cómplice de mi soledad y me obliga a pensar en ti. Podría llamar a algunos amigos que se desvelan como yo. Podría retorcerme en la cama. Llenar de lagrimas mi...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 07:41:00 PST

Solo en sueños

Cuando prometiste jamás partir, no mentiste. Siempre estarás conmigo en el teatro de Morfeo, sonriendo en la tarima, con los brazos abiertos. Pero cuando llegue la mañana y los primeros rayos de luz t...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:29:00 PST

conversaciones mentales

  Aquí donde nacen las cartas que no te molestas en leer. Aquí donde, cada mañana, nace el remordimiento, la confusión y el recuerdo. Porque no se quien eres. Talvez muy adentro no quiero ente...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST

Lagrimitas de luz

Busco un lugar donde pensar a solas, solo en ti, sin medir mis pensamientos por miedo a la locura. Una vez mas, los fantasmas se mudan del clóset a la realidad. Mi Pasado, presente, futuro juntos pa...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:23:00 PST

Pensamientos irreverentes

Regalare una lagrima al suelo que te vio crecer en mi. Esta vez no se enredaran las palabras con los latidos de mi corazón. Guardare las lagrimas, el llanto y el dolor que nunca te hicieron creer en ...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 10:22:00 PST

Lo unico que deseo...

Solo me queda repetir palabras con sentido para convencer a mi corazón que esto es lo único que deseo. Deseo que logres encontrar lo que siempre soñaste. Que no te pesen los remordimientos y nun...
Posted by .:*Luna*:. on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 02:41:00 PST