Member Since: 25/10/2005
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Band Members: AMPLINE (Cincinnati, Ohio), ARMS EXPLODING (Cincinnati, Ohio), AUTUMN RISING (Cincinnati, Ohio/Louisville, Kentucky), BLUE VELVET (New York City, New York), CATERPILLAR TRACKS (Cincinnati, Ohio), COVINGTON (Northern Kentucky), FEATST OF MERIT (Covington, Kentucky/Louisville, Kentucky), HOVER (Louisville, Kentucky), HUMANS BOW DOWN (Cincinnati, Ohio), KNIFE THE SYMPHONY (Cincinnati, Ohio), LKN (Portland, Oregon), MAD ANTHONY (Cincinnati, Ohio), THE READ (Cincinnati, Ohio), SAH (Ann Arbor/Marquette, Michigan), THE STRONGEST PROOF (Covington, Kentucky), SWEAR JAR (Cincinnati, OH), THE TERMINAL ORCHESTRA (Marquette, MI), THERAPHOSA (Cincinnati, Ohio), THISTLE (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Influences: SST, Dischord, GSL, AmRep, Gravity, Asian Man Records
Sounds Like: Ampline, Arms Exploding, Autumn Rising, Blue Velvet, Caterpillar Tracks, Covington, Feasts Of Merit, Hover, Humans Bow Down, Knife The Symphony, LKN, Mad Anthony, The Read, Sah, Swear Jar, The Strongest Proof, Terminal Orchestra, Theraphosa, Thistle
Record Label: Phratry Records
Type of Label: Indie