MaNy profile picture


If You Mess With The Kings Queens You Better Watch Your Ace JacK...

About Me

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Courtesy of MsTags.comBradon is my world. Family is my heart. Art is my passion. Spring is my season. Music is my addiction. Jason and Bradon are my weakness. Work is my life. Aries is my sign. Friends are what I cherish. Love is my future. Tattoo's are my infactuation. Fire is my element. Poetry is my escape.
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What kind of muscle car are you?

1967 Shelby GT 500
You are a 1967 Shelby GT 500. You love your car because it's rare. You know you can whoop on most other cars, but you tend not to because you don't want to scratch your paint. You try to keep as many miles off of your car as you can.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

Jay, Tattoo's, animals, art, working non stop, movies, relaxin, and my favorite, being mom!Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™What I like...Punk Rock, New Rock, and Local Rock, drawing, painting, the puter, camp fires, the stars, ice cream, scrap booking, reading, guys with messy, but good hair, fish, gettin my feet dirty, fishing, hangin with buddies, BEER, Bud, MGD, and MICKEYS ONLY, the grass, the flowers, the birds and the bee's, ( hint hint ) ELMO, randomly, catching wild life, frogs, lizards, snakes, taking pics, my cats, and bird, knowing no matter what I will always have my own back, and most of all my ABSOLETLY WONDERFUL MAN, and my family.
Courtesy of MsTags.comWhat I don't like,

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THIS GUY,,, Cat poo, and bird poo, it seems to haunt me, DOGFIGHTERS, immature immoral people, watching the news, the people on and in the news, the rain, unless it's sunny too, doing the laundry and dishes, diapers, not working, assholes on online poker, LITTLE GIRLS that think they are, "hard" Missing out on the fun, dealing with ex's, mine and especially his, hard wood floors, my knees, and teeth, they hurt, cat farts, the pregnant nose, and well that's just a few, I am sure there's more but I don't like typing either...
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I'd like to meet:


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I have finally found my soul mate/Love Of My Life, so, I would like to find all my buddies from highschool and friends from gradeschool.


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The Myspace Music Survey

Soundtrack to Your Life

At my funeral, they'll play LiVe WiThOuT WaRnInG
When I was born, they should've played Amanda
When I was conceived, they should have been playing Knockin Boots..
The song that was/will be playing when I met/meet the love of my life Come what May...
My favorite song to dance to is Gold DIgger
When I'm in the shower I sing To Bradon, Barney love song usually
In my wedding vows, I will include the lyrics from Come what May...
My family is like the song I'm sorry mama...
My last word will be the lyrics from Hey Ho Let's Go..
The album I would need on a desert island The Ramones 2 disc album
To cheer myself up I play PINK works everytime
When my heart is broken I play DIDO
My favorite make-out song is The moulin rouge soundtrack
When I wanna rock out I play Ramones
When I'm mellow I play Jewel
On my deathbed I'll be playing Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment !!!
When I squash my enemies I'm listening to Eminem
Take this surveyAnything and everything depending on the mood. Literally. For example, All Time fav.... The RamOnes, LiNKIn ParK, GreenDay, BlinK, AAR, Panic! aT tHe DiscO, EmINem, 30 seConDs To MarS, AvriL, JewEl, RelIenT K, WeeZer, PinK, My cHeMicAl RomAnce, JimMy EaT worLd, The CurE, GoriLLaZ, FLOYD, GuNs and RosEs, ReaL BiG fiSh, TakIng BacK suNdaY. FioNa ApPle, the KilLers, The yaYa's, Maroon 5, LeSs tHan JakE, ComMon riDer, Fall out boy has officailly made my shit list, Fuckin Pussies. Generally I could go on and on, my taste is sporadic, but I am truly addicted lyrically and it must have a killer fuckin beat...
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The classic Kevin Smith Movies, Biodome, Kindom of heaven, ( Orlando Bloom is so nice to look at in this flick) Walk The Line was GREAT, RENT!!!! Must see. I am a sucker for a good musical. Boon Dock Saints, one of my fav's, SLC Punk, Without a Paddle, I love Mathew Lillard!! Army of Darkness, BRUCE!!! Lone Star State of Mind, this one didn't do well in theaters but is honestly the funniest move I have EVER seen. What Dreams May Come, quit possibly the saddest movie ever, there are really too many too list, and i am always up for any thing else to help pass the time


Myspace Graphics by HitupMyspace.comKnew obsesion, Grey's Anatomy!! Awsome show. Then there is Medium, My Name is Earl, Family Guy, House, C.S.I. any of em. I LOVE FUSE and anything else that just happens to be on Disney when I can't find the remote. Which is most of the time. This is because babies are actually genious mini humans and know exactly what the are doin at all times. I Am Convinced!!
Which Grey's Anatomy character are you?

You're a little confused, and a bit distant at times. But you're quite lovable.
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
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The Jenny McCarthy books are out of this world fucking hellarious. The Cronicles of Narnia series. Angels and Demons, by the writer of the Davinci Code, Must read these books.... And my all time favorite is the Outsiders.What celebrity smile do you have?
Julia Roberts?

Your smile is megawatt ;) Lucky you your smile is gorgeous! This shows you have a bit of a goofy side and a good sense of humor, with your grin anybody will do anything for you!

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Marines, Firefighters, all active duty members, and all who took time out of there own lives to help with the hurricane releive. My Daddy.... My MoMmY, My Grandma, My lil sister Ashley because no matter what she's uncorruptable ( if that is even a word?? ) Just say HELL NO Ashes. And Hello Kitty. That about sums it up.
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