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Cade, Friends, Family, Riding, snowboarding
Anything outdoors I'm in
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Mainly people that have passed on like my great-grandparents and Johnny Cash. But living people would be President Bush, Oprah, Derek Jeter, and probably Tom Brady
You Have A Type A+ Personality
You're driven to succeed every single second of the day
And you don't let up on your goals, no matter how tired you are
You've already acheived a lot in your life... but it's not enough for youAlways on the go, you tend to get things done quickly and effectively
You have the personality to be a successful enterpreneur
Just remember to play a little too, even if play is the most difficult thing for you!
Do You Have a Type A Personality?
I am crazy about CCR. I mainly listen to country, a lot of red dirt. I love old George Strait, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash. and others. I listen to a lot of top 20 and hip-hop when I'm working out. A couple others, Gwen Stefani, The Fray, and Coldplay. I guess pretty much anything except the screaming stuff.
Pretty Woman! 8 Seconds, The Notebook, and The Last Samurai rounding out the top four. But a couple more would be The Natural, Million Dollar Baby, Field of Dreams, Wedding Crashers. I love funny movies, sports movies, and hero stuff.
Grey's Anatomy (I crave this show!), Deadliest Catch, Rome is Burning, and Dateline. I'll pretty much watch anything if I get 5 seconds to sit down. I tivo a lot of stuff though.
I LOVE to read. Currently, The Purpose Driven Life (again), The Four Agreements, just finished The Games Do Count and Anderson Cooper 360, and I read a lot of parenting books. Trying to kick my mag addiction.
Jesus, my son, all my real friends, Leilani (my 2nd Mom), and also both sets of my grandparents, all military, and lots of other ordinary people.
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