Hello! Welcome to the Germany Street Team for the band Velvet Code.
First off, a little about me. I'm Sarah, I'm 17 years old. I'm a vegetarien and have very strong views on the treatment of animals in the world today.
Music is my life without it I would be nothing, Velvet Code is a band which first surfaced in 2007 and worked with it's own independant record label, Velvet Code Records. The band consists of electro rockers who will bring a smile to your face just through their music. The following was taken from their personal myspace.
"Marlon lies on his bed and thinks about his life and comes up with lyrics and melodies. To make sure he doesn’t take himself too seriously, he’ll play around with a MarkIV and Korg Triton to get out of himself. Sometimes he’ll pull a flute or accordion out of his pocket, since his dad played the accordion and all he heard was polka music all day long. Apparently, it’s in his blood. Ryan hears things, but mostly beats and sounds. Our favorite part of rehearsal is when Ryan starts playing some kick ass drum loop and gets all loopy, while Nick and I jam. Nick is our synth mizer. He loves tripping out on his Microkorg and Triton, making weird sounds that no one’s ever heard. Kick ass programmer with skeeeels!" Links that will be very useful: Velvet Code's Myspace My Personal Myspace Hey, ich kann auch Deutsch, wollte das alles aber nicht auf Deutsch schreiben weil ich sehr viele Fehler mache. Jo checkt mal die band aus! und joa, sagt euere Freunde sie sollen meine Seite adden.jop okay. :) lol.SPREAD THE WORD.
Copy and Paste the URL [myspace.com/velvetcodegermany] whilst I still sort out the S4S codes! GO GO GO!
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Velvet code On Billboard
von Velvet Code:Check it out yo!!http://billboardpublicitywire.com/releases/velvetcode/ba
nd/prweb788504.htmAlso, "Trust Fund Girl" is now available on Amazon.com, Virgin online, and many other online ... Posted by on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 16:28:00 GMT