I've played on wreckless radio with MC Robbie D a few times. Known him now for few years. Play with him as guest on unite radio, where I have my own show, and now play every Saturday on dnbmidlands.com.
The tunes on here are still to be properly finished and mastered, so not the end product.
I would love to meet others, exchange ideas, and as I'm still learning about production, any help there is most welcome.
My favourite d.j of all time is Mickey Finn. It would be an honour to play back to back with him. And aphrodite. If I hadn't found a tape in the street of mickey finn when I was but a young boy, I would never have got into the music that I love so much today. I also like aphrodite. I have his symbol tattoo'd on my arm.
My other interests include extreme sports:- rock climbing, scuba diving, bodyboarding, mountain biking etc. I also do Aikido which I love very much. I'm into alot of spiritual aspects of life. Learning. Trying to advance myself spiritually and gain learning and knowledge. I'm a very in depth person. A deep thinker.
I am at ease, happy and feel I can function properly when I've had an adrenalin rush. Happy when I'm on the decks too. I LOVE playing in front of people. I also love doing my fire chains and passionate about extreme sports and Aikido.
I have many ambitions in life. Some are somewhat strange you may say.
Abseil from a helicopter, chase a tornado, get set on fire (with fire suit that stuntmen/women wear), experience the force of a hurricane, visit the titanic (about £25,000), fly in a fighter jet (starcity in russia do this), experience zero g (again starcity can simulate this), try wingwalking, climb everest. These are just a few.
If you want to know more, drop me a line. Ask me for MSN or yahoo messenger for chat.
For bookings, message me here or e-mail [email protected], love, harmony, light and unity!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Hot Graphics