iim valeriia,
ii have my cake and eat iit too, june 25th.
iim 17, ii pay my biills on tiime.
iive had the same job for a year and 5 months.
ii have thiis strange obsession with afriica.
ii spell everything with two “ii’sâ€.
iim scared of the dark and the siilence.
ii don’t driink, ii don’t smoke. straiight edge.
ii cant spell beautiiful with out soundiing iit out
ii liive on my siidekiick. iits attached to me.
ii have trust iissues. and take everything seriiously.
ii saw saosiin liive,ii can diie happy.
ii swear ii have ocd.
"ii love los angeles. ii love hollywood. they're beautiiful. everybodys plastiic, but ii love plastiic. ii want to be plastic." -andy warhol.
valerias thugg