I'm an impatient & unsympathetic non- smoker. I'm a gun- owning pacifist and political news junkie. While generally opposed to dancing of all sorts, I do not judge others for engaging in the like. I'm cursed with a short long- term memory, and I forgot to ask Santa for the gift of gab. I once bought a new car with manual transmission, without knowing how to drive stick.
As a lad I was forced to play piano, then I waged a successful rebellion, completely nixing all my progress in favor of umpteen different drum kits & countless hours of snare drum rudiments. I went to college in the big city and got a fancy Audio Engineering degree. While my professions have drifted far away from music, I still love to dabble. At this point, I concede that I'm still a better knob- turner than performer. BUT I'm optimistic that someday, my knob- turning abilities will fade, and by default, be overtaken by my performance skills ;-)
At the turn of the millennium, I wrote- off many years of percussion as merely a phase. Most recently, I'm supporting my aspirations of becoming a classy pianist.
I created this page to share a confusing smattering of work spanning over a decade. Most of the audio quality is quick and dirty-- and somewhat painful on the earball. Please listen past the rust. Thanks to all my former mates and special thanks to Jonny Beard for new music & 30 years of friendship. You're all invited to visit our current Folk/Rock project: MOTOVUNE.
** Please contact me if you need help with your next music or multimedia project, or for free Real Estate advice, or just to compare side- burns.