My name Seanna age 20 I'm about to start uni and studying Justice & Administration. Cant wait!! . Two weeks until i turn the big 21 how exciting haha. I've just moved up to Palm Beach on the Goldcoast I was born and raisd in Cronulla I have a great big family.I love them all to bits.They have been there
for me since day 1.Couldnt live without them .I see my friends as my family aswell.Theyre always there for me good and bad haha..Couldnt live without them.Never judged me.I love my music i love R&B and HipHop,i love my clubbing .Nothing better than dancing to great old r&b hip hop at ur best clubs. I belive everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go,
Things go wrong so that you can apprieciate them
when they......"re right, you belive in lies so you,
eventually learn to trust no one but yourself,
and sometimes things fall apart so better
things can fall together.
Be who you are
And say what you feel because
Those who mind dont matter and
Those who matter dont mind
Im easy to get along
unless u have hurt me in
I do hold grudges only
if u did
something real bad.i
trust to
easily. But i dont
easily.-I care wat
people think, to much, alot of people tell me!! People
think they can push me around
to much.Ive had that my whole
life.I will stand up for my self
one day.