Most of all the future of the island of GUAHAN, the land of my ancestors and the place I love most in this world. And continuing the struggle of the island's indigenous people for the right to control what happens in their own land. Also, decreasing my trips to the Emergency Room at Guam Memorial Hospital. Other than that, just about anything under the sun.
If all you care about is adding to your friends list or trying to sell something, do us both a favor and don't try to add me. I don't give a flying-f#%k about how many people I have on my friends list. I would rather have 20 people I know and actually keep in contact with, than 5 billion strangers who don't know or give a shit about me. If you are concerned with the truth and "True Justice," and like me and are tired of all the bullshit that is going on in this world I will most definitely add you. If you also love Guahan and would like to be a part of the solutions and not a part of the problems that plague our beloved island you are most welcome.If you are a relative or friend (do you even have to ask?). Most of all you have to have an open mind because I will say what I am thinking and many times what I say might conflict with what you have been taught. Remember, not everything we have been told is true or without bias.
Malcom X, Dogma, Fight club, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Hurricane, Sleepers, Braveheart (even though Mel Gibson is kaduku), Rapa Nui, Once were warriors, Whale Rider, Last of the Mohicans, The Ususal Suspects, Blackhawk Down, Swordfish, Enemy of the State, Michael Moore Documentaries, Snatch, Better luck tomorrow, The Goonies, North Shore, Cheech&Chong flicks, Memento, Seven and of course classic gangsta flicks. The list goes on.
Def Poetry, America Under Cover, Junkyard wars and pretty much anything on the Discovery or History Channel, South Park and various other things on Comedy Central, ESPN2 for racing, fight sports and x-games, blah blah blah. I don't have cable anymore.
The History Of Guam, Kinalamten Pulitikat, Spoken Chamorro, The Bible (both Old and New Testaments), The Dictionary & Thesaurus, Personal Law (1st/2nd editions), My Music, Philosophy & Anthropology texts from school.
Jesus, Angel Santos (RIP), Socrates, Patrice Lumumba, R.N. Marley and basically anyone who would challenge authority in the pursuit of Truth and Freedom.