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Flip Cup Champ!!!
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The Indians of course!, golfing, playing wiffle ball in the back yard, and partying!
Anyone who parties as much as we do!
I like anything that is good, but mostly I listen to country and classic rock. Montgomery Gentry,
Field of Dreams, Rocky (all of them), Braveheart, The Patriot, Heat, Gladiator, Cinderella Man, ya know all the classics! Comedies I like Tommy Boy, Office Space, Super Troopers, Old School, SouthPark "Bigger Longer and Uncut", Borat, and Talledega Nights
24!!! Greatest Show EVER!! also, The Sopranos, LOST, Nip Tuck, Heroes, Smallville, Rome, PTI, and Baseball Tonight.
John Daly, everyone loves Big John.