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Cyborg Trance

About Me

CYBORGS! invade MySpace

unconfirmed reports flood our newsroom . . .

Yes, it's true! Cyborgs have invaded MySpace. Cyborg infiltration has begun. Cyborg Trance are here. This is CYBORG TRANCE - beware of imitations!
Frank Siddarta's band of cyborgs, drones, androids, bots and the occasional abducted human, have arrived at MySpace. There is no cause for alarm! Do not PANIC! Stay indoors and just pretend that nothing is going on.
Frank said that this is "just a friendly visit, to check out the lie of the land . . . "
"Why can't we put all of songs up here", Frank is reported to have said. "We'll fix that - How can you just listen to six of our songs. You will never find the cyborg way unless we force feed our music to you like honey bees in a frenzy."
Zyborg Trance Mode this is the zone - these are cyborg dreams . . . World Wide Window it starts here - don't look out Twilight Street down the street towards the setting sun - and keep going Traveller's Tales adventures from another galaxy - sub speed acceleration Moving to Clearview earthbound - find us a home where we can regenerate and absorb ourselves into the population Bamboo Fog these are alien dreams - back into the zone - don't look out any windows - don't walk down any streets - do not get on a bus or vehicle - we are here now - this is peace for a short breath - enjoy!
Enjoy these tracks from Android Anti Hero. Visit our web page at Radio Curly and hear tracks from two previous Cyborg Trance releases - Ether Dreams and Cyborg Twin. Video clips from Ether Dreams have been spread virally through the net . . . just google Cyborg Trance and make sure it's really us. If we catch you listening to anyone else Frank said to . . . "Hold on there, pardner. This is a friendly visit. Remember? Let them listen to who ever they want - for a while. It won't be long now. You haven't even thawed out properly. Don't talk like that, anyway. Who do you think you are, one of our road crew!"
or search YouTube player for 'Cyborg Trance'

My Interests


Member Since: 04/03/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Frank Siddarta: Trumpet

Bo Bot: synthesizers and dreams

Andy: synthesizers and dreams

Dave: synthesizers and dreams

Harry: synthesizers and dreams

Ogg: synthesizers and dreams

Vorbis: synthesizers and dreams

Tu99: dreams

Influences: human music and human television

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Sounds Like: inhuman music
Record Label: Radio Curly

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