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About Me

The songs on my playlist are dedicated to my lovely princess, Heather. I'll be adding a new song every week until I see her <3
Meh..normally i just have a bunch of videos posted up here..but y'know..i thought i might add something of value..just for kicks.
Eh...if you added probably know who i am...if i added you..well...i apologize. XD but yea..I love anime, games, fighting...the list goes on. Currently, my lame ass is stuck at Winter Haven High, um...whoo..?...go seniors?.. *shrugs* anyway..I don't really know what i wanna do with my life anymore..but i'm hopin to find out soon..and sadly, I'm confused about alotta personal things in my life, so if i ever seem emo or just plain's prolly cause i've been thinking about things that hurt me on the inside (to those of you who know me...yes i know it's a shocker, but i have feelings too).
Friends wise...i love people who can look past the outer looks, the outer shell of someone and try to get to know them better. I mean, alotta people look at me and just turn away, disgusted or whatnot. Others, come out completely different, try to get to know to me..and then i become friends with them. Most of the time you'll find I'm pretty dependable..not ALWAYS..but that's cause I've got alot of things to worry about, sad to say, most likely, you won't be the only person i'm trying to help, or you wont be the person with the only thing i'm working on, so please be patient. I'm usually lenient with my money, lending it out to people who need it and whatnot. But i DO expect to be repaid, unless i say it's cool. If you break that trust, then don't expect anymore handouts. Oh, and if you're lucky enough to make it on my top, well, it means you've made a difference in my life(there is NO particular order..just to be clear, i just group girls and boys cause of minor ocd). And to those who are already in there, Thanks, I wouldn't have made it this far in life without you.
I found someone special (or rather, she found me), someone I really, deep down to the core, head over heels, body and soul, love, Heather. She's this amazing person who always lights up the room when she arrives, she always cheers you up when you're down, even when you don't wanna be happy, she finds a way to just make you smile..She always puts others before herself, even those people who hurt her..She's always polite and never tries to put down anyone..There's just so much about her that makes me fall head over heels for her (yea. sounds gay. but it's true.), and i can't help it...she's THE most amazing, most beautiful, most caring, and smartest person i've ever met..She's got her priorities in check, and really cares bout how I am, and loves me for just that. She accepts me and shows how she cares in everything she does for me, and I'm just crazy for her. I would do anything for her..go to any length to stay with her..and I'd give anything for her. If I could only be next to her again, i would be the happiest person in the world... till then i'll just have to deal with happiest person i know! XD but... Heather,
I FRIGGIN LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <1+5-25+19+(4-1)^1
Through Thick n' Thin (to someone special named Heather)
Through thick and thin
our love will never stay within
we'll shout it out
cry aloud
How we made it through these times so tough
and how we always knew
these chains that bound
and how they always grew
till 'twas all around
to tryin to suppress our feelings true
or rather, keeping me from you.
I hope you know
that I'm forever yours
body, mind, and soul
from morning to midnight hours.
Through thick and thin
I'll stand here now
holding your image in.
As I let it fill my soul
my heart begins to beat
batter, burst, and tear
out of my body, looking for retreat
from these feelings I hold so dear.
I find in you my joy
in every facet of my being
and think of words to employ
to show feelings that you bring.
When I can express no longer,
I feel my heart torn asunder,
forever feeling more
than words I have in store.
Through thick and thin,
We'll lie forever
and face the world together.
Our love will be so strong,
a definite, unbreakable bond.
You'll see me smile
and knowing all the while,
that we'll be there for eachother,
more so than any other lover.
I promise to try my hardest
to be the best I can
and let you harvest
the seeds of love you've sewn in me...
The greatest gift you've given me...
The love you've shown to me...
The feelings that you've grown in me...
I love you more than anything else,
forever more, and no one else...
So yea, try and get to know me if you don't already, if you do know to you later
Stole this from meh sis:
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... breath taking
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... eternal

My Blog

Cali...Californ...ication? fornia?...ehh..fuggit

Well, so yea, as you all know, I went to California, here's a small summary of shit that went on:Gaming:Huh...first night in, people challenging me to games on my ps2? Cool. But yea, KOF98UM. What can...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 16:54:00 GMT

Lucky as fuck? No, just blessed. (Rare insight to the mind of the Darkest Deity)

Yknow? It wasn't too long ago when I woke up dreading every spare minute in my day which wasnt filled with some task that took every bit of concentration. I used to hate myself for shit I probably sho...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 21:30:00 GMT happened?

Seriously, what happened? It went from survivin' and living out the hard life to...this!? What the hell? Rap was supposed to be the expression of your soul through rythm, beat, and words. It was about...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 18:17:00 GMT

More rare insight into the mind of Yagami-kun

Awhile ago, i posted a bulletin bout happiness...finding it...embracing I decided to think some more bout it...where does it end? when should it end?we all have a right to try and be happy..but...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 04:59:00 GMT

deep thinking...[very rarely seen in public] - plz rd

I remember when nothing much mattered...when all was nothing... everyday trifles were money... none of it existed....then...time passed by...we grew up...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 02:43:00 GMT

If you can call yourself a master rpg gamer read this

check these kids out:~they are ALL games in the shin megami tensei series. and all the animation is either cg or anime. i love it cause it doesnt followt he save the damzel in distress and beat the ev...
Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 20:23:00 GMT