Football, Weightlifting, Reading, Writing, Hurling midgets from my patented little people trebuchet style catapult, calling it like it is, laughing, hangin with the boys, eating flemish game hens...I love lamp.
George W. Bush, Will Farrel, Mel Gibson, Jon Stewart, George Lucas, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Keira Knightley, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, and the list goes on.
Anything and everthang
Anchorman, 40 Year Old Virgin, Dodgeball, Old School, Kicking and Screaming, Shaun of the Dead, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, Braveheart, Passion of the Christ, The Patriot, Donnie Darko, STAR WARS, Harry Potter, and of course every Steven Segal movie ever made.
No television para mi.
Harry Potter, STAR WARS, LOTR, and any other kind of fiction.
George W. Bush Dane Cook Will Ferrel William Wallace and of course the greatest man of all time George Lucas.