Hacked!! my buddy simone iz so illmatic..shes pretty kool
amazin 2 talk 2,,...shes goin 2 college n has a bright future n no can take dat away from her
< dee!, my buddy simone <3 iz amazing ....dats all u need 2 kno >
My name is Omowale Simone. I'm legal, yey! I represent the island called Barbados, and also Angola. I is a freshman at the BSC .
I in love with tennis<3 Long walks on the beach are romantic and I love them. I love meeting new people. I 100% real sweetness =] Not argumentative! I very relaxed, nice and caring, don't let my looks fool you though, I could be very mean if you push me to it!! I can hold a long conversation!!
B O S S lady: since i met him in December of 2005, he's been on his haterishh & ishh act, ugh! he stalks me & my away messages on aim, but who doesn't?! my biffle is crazy, smart, athletic, he swears his bball team is like the celtics but better.. l0lXz i can testify that i have never seen him in one pair of shoes twice as long as i've livedd...but when i need someone to make me laugh i know exactly where to go, or who to call, or who to quack at according him..its funny how i'm way olderrr & i go to him for advice, but it makes sense when he comes to me for help cause its normal. & i don't hate on his myspace its called constructive critisism. we have the most weirdest friendship lol. we're biffles & roomies. we stay making up words or phrases. he's about to create his own dictionary. cause he's wackumz && that's my word, anyway as we say reese's piecesss until i feel like adding more [?]
?B I F F L E S
M Y. F A V O U R I T E.
P L A C E. T O. G O!
this dude?? he's wackumzz,
Hacked!! my buddy simone iz so illmatic..shes pretty kool
amazin 2 talk 2,,...shes goin 2 college n has a bright future n no can take dat away from herhe's dee!
ii d0n't know what to say about him at all..he barely wrote about me, so i don't feel like writing about him! =.. he's sweet, runs track, friendly, boring lol nosa!..i be seeing him & he'd walk right pass me but he's usually there through tuff times, thanks
shaq attackk!
..soooo this gurl simone.... i met her at a BaSkEtBaLl game.... and once she seen me, she juss started followin me.. soo i asked her and her friend if they wuz followin me and she saiddd helll yea, no lie lol..... bu they didnt stop there they even came on mi bus... bu mi coah iz like nahh nuna that and kicked them off.. sooo she found me on mispacesizzle anddd i gess we became friendss.... i hav 2 sayyy she izz pretty cool.... afta all she eats cauliflower and no1 else does. she also carriessss a lil bit of swag wit her (nuthin like mine tho) buuu she gettin there, i gesss im rubbin off on her. she izz mi numba 1 haterrrr definately... she hates on mi lips, mi butt, even mi mispace.(ok mayb i lied about mispace) buuu she prolly gunna hate on that soon:)