The Homefolks profile picture

The Homefolks

About Me

The Old mountain sound from Scott County, Virginia, describes the sound of The Home Folks. The Home Folks are Beachard Smith, singer and fiddler; Paul Davis, lead guitarist; Will Keys, Banjoist; and Tom Bledsoe, vocalist and rhythm guitarist. Together, they produce a relaxed, free willing music that reflects the many different influences they have absorbed over the years.

If tolling bell I ask the cause.
'A soul has gone to God,'
I'm answered in a lonesome tone;
Is heaven then so sad?

That bells should joyful ring to tell
A soul had gone to heaven,
Would seem to me the proper way
A good news should be given.
Emily Dickinson

In memory of Beachard Slemp Smith you are in my heart and I love you.
your granddaughter Kasey.

My Interests


Member Since: 03/03/2008
Band Members: Beachard Smith:

Will Keys:

Tom Bledsoe:

Paul Davis:

Sounds Like:
Record Label: Unsigned

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