Seth profile picture


About Me

About me? Nothing to tell. I grew up a lonely, distraught child. A few years ago my parents forcefully shoved me into the attic and I'm still here today. Will I ever leave? Probably not. Why go out somewhere where people look at you, and try to have sex with you? What would be one's point in living. Honestly though, there's not much to tell. Anyone who knows me could tell you that. My life is pretty simple, and I kinda like it that way.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Michael Bolton because Patrick thinks I look like him in some picture.


I'm pretty much into most types of music. Except for Jawaiian music. I hate Jawaiian music.


Hard Target, Nowhere To Run, The Quest, Timecop


the OC, Cheaters, MXC, Blind Date, Reno 911, To Catch A Predator, That 70's Show, Entourage, Flight of the Conchords, Law and Order (all of them), CSI (not CSI: Miami, but CSI: New York is fine)


all of Tom Brown Jr.'s books, war history novels, and the Unauthorized Biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger


the guys that started the Stone Brewery and Lou Diamond Phillips

My Blog

today is yesterday's tomorrow

Bahh, this whole system is so childish. Its the new instant messenger and plays no real purpose in our social lives... yet we still flock to it, wondering if maybe, just maybe someone left us a little...
Posted by Seth on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST