A little about The Unknownn:
Taken from The Unknownn's Myspace
The Unknownn were born in early 2003, from a mutual love of all things dark. They have attracted a collective of like minded talent. From a studio in the depths of the english countryside The Unknownn have succesfully managed to create a substantial body of work. The dark sound of The Unknownn reflects a life full of strange experiences. This teamed with the collaborative stories of the talented artists who frequent the studios ever revolving doors has shaped the music into their own defining style
E- Team responsibilities:
We want to add as many names as possible to our database for the unknownn monthly email newsletter. You can encourage your friends and potential new fans to sign up for the unknownn mailing list.Web postings/newsgroups/chat rooms
Please help spread the word about The Unknownn
Post a The Unknownn website link, music link, and general Unknownn information on music websites and newsgroups. You can also go into chat rooms and let people know about The Unknownn.
Request for The Unknownn to be played on the radio or put in magazines
Also, because this is an e-team, we request you place one of the following banners on your page to promote The Unknownn
Banners for you to use:
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