Member Since: 03/03/2008
Band Members: Mark - Producer
Jorgette - Singing Teacher
Dylan Redman - Music Teacher
Influences: Britney Spears - She has been my inspiration for ages, despite all the breakdown and drama, she was what most girls looked up to and wanted to be. It shows that all the fame and fortune doesnt always bring happiness, but in the end eventually things work out and your back on your feet beginning a new life, a new year, and a new you.Christina Aguilera - I love Christina, she has been through a lot and still managed to set out a good example to others. Her songs her voice her lyrics are so touching which is what I love about her. Everyone has ups and downs in their life, but in the end we still manage to put a smile on our face and keep doing what we do best.Christine Dolce - I just love this girl, she is so amazing and talented and most of all she did it all on her own, she went out there and did whatever it took and achieved her goals not caring so much on what others think or say about her, she has inspired to me believe that nothing is impossible and that you can accomplish as much as you want as long as you set your heart and mind to it.
Record Label: Unsigned